Film poster analysis
LanguageWe know that this is a film poster due too the fact that it has a release date and it also says 'A Noel Clarks film'. As a result of the title 'BrOTHERHOOD you know that crime is going too be in this film which means that it will have a age rating of either 12A or 15.InstitutionNoel Clark is the director of BrOTHERHOOD and he would be most likely too make the most money from the film as he is an actor and the director.The main stars of this film is Noel Clark, Olivia Chenery, Ashley Thomas.AudienceThe audience of BrOTHERHOOD is aimed towards communties of people who like crimes films. An example of the audience is people who have watched Noel Clarks other films Kidulthood and Adulthood.This would be aimed at ages from 15 to around 45 as their will be a lot of crime which wouldn't be for young viewers and older viewers may not find it interesting
RepresentationsThe representation of people in this film poster is that they are in an urban. Which means that this is aimed at people that are urban and people that are into urban things.
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