Wednesday, 29 November 2017

PPE preparation task

2) Re-read this Waterloo Road Wikipedia entry and write down the number of seasons and episodes broadcast and the channels they have appeared on. 
waterloo road has had 10 series and 200 episodes.

3) How does Waterloo Road meet the key conventions of TV Drama: ensemble cast? Stock characters? Story arcs? Episodic narratives? Enigma and tension? Realism?
Waterloo Road meets key TV conventions like ensemble cast this can be good because there is a variety of characters like the deputy head who later becomes head teacher during this episode who is known as Jason Merrells. This is a key character but there is also other teachers who also make up the ensemble cast also there is a student known as Donte Charles this is 1 of the 2 characters who last the whole of series 1 which makes up the ensemble cast as well. These characters allow me to use the use if Propp theory as they're familiar to me and i know what there motives are. Also there are stock characters such as the like the bullies the 'neeks' the sporty ones etc.This also helps be a key convention because the viewers will be attracted to these characters as they may have played this role in high school so i  can apply the use of Blumler and Katz to see this. Also Waterloo Road uses story arcs such as the school is a bad high school and the aim for the teachers is to make it better however the kids just will not change. This is the story arc over all 10 series they also use episodic narratives such as the viewers know there will always be drama in every episode but they still watch the episodes to see the different dramas and how they will be fixed.

4) Write down three storylines (or narratives) from Waterloo Road - note which season the storyline appeared in. They can be from the first episode above or from the clips below:

5) Why might audiences have enjoyed Waterloo Road?
Audiences may have enjoyed Waterloo Road because of the fact that they may have been due to the fact they can relate to the characters relationships such as high school kids can grab the attention of other high school kids in the real world this can help because they go through the same thing everyday but this school adds way more drama. Also it can grab parents attention when you see the relationships between some [parents and there kids. Al;so Waterloo Road add a lot of the key TV conventions that the audience see in other dramas and may be the reason they watch Waterloo Road 

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Planning for PPE

  1. Title- The Roadz Of West London
  2. Tagline - how will you sell the drama to an audience? - 
  3. Setting(s) North west london 
  4. Main characters and why audiences will like/dislike them-Deshane rop drug dealer. Adults may not like him because he gets young kids into drugs/bad influence. Kids may like him as he helps the young kids earn money and makes the drama worth watching
  5. At least three of the narratives or storylines - at least one should cover the series arc (a narrative that continues across the whole series). The series arc is the police going to catch deshane (top drug dealer) episode1: Introduce to Deshane/his workers/his family episode2: His brother needs money to get into his football team. His brother asks Deshane to help him sell drugs. Deshane says no and his brother does it and gets into trouble Deshane has to pay a ransom 
  6. Potential TV channels and timings to broadcast your new TV drama- 104 channel4 10:00
  7. Your TV drama's USP - unique selling point - Wood Harris and Cam'ron (main characters)
  8. Your show's detailed target audience (demographics and similar shows they might watch). Remember: the age group specified by the preliminary brief is 15-24.
  9. Three reasons your TV drama will appeal to that target audience-That age range appeal to loads of urban dramas. 
3) Come up with a variety of ways to promote your new TV Drama to your target audience. Plan out the following:
  • Official website for the TV drama that allows audiences to meet the characters and find out more about the storylines 
  • Ideas to feature your drama on social media e.g. hashtag, video content etc.
  • Any other creative or unusual ways to promote your new TV drama to the audience
        Ads on channel 4 and e4 
4) Write a three-paragraph answer for why your new TV drama will be successful in the incredibly competitive marketplace of modern television.

My tv drama will be successful due to the fact that i am doing an urban drama. Urban dramas are well known for being broadcast-ed and being very successful. An example of this is Top boy. Top boy was broadcast-ed and was very successful on channel 4 and due to the fact my TV drama is like Top boy it will  be successful as well.

It will also be successful due to the fact i have two well known urban drama actors. Both these actors have played a roll in Paid in full which also involves drugs so by using these actors it helps me gain viewers as they will like too see what role the actors play and too see if they play tp drug dealers like they did in Paid in full.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Waterloo Road is a British television drama series that was broadcasted on BBC1 and later on BBC Three. Furthermore, Waterloo Road has 10 series and 200 episodes altogether.

The clip from Waterloo road portrays that is a a high school in a rural area. From the uniform your impressions would be that the teenagersare not very well behave. This clip suggest to us that Gabriella is going too be a bad student as she doesn't follow her parents rules. This suggest that the storyline is going to be based around her for this show as the first minute is a big entrance for her. What i expect to happen is Gabriella is going to end up fighting the girlfriend of the boy she kissed as she was upset she kissed her boyfriend. The new character will make the storyline more interesting to the audience as she is bringing in more drama and that is what the viewers of Waterloo Road watch it for.

There are typical TV drama characters in Waterloo Road providing that there are average community school students who attend the high school. There are loads of stereotypes in Waterloo Road like the 'popular kids' who are very popular in the school sometimes occasionally they can also be bad students. There also also the kids who are smart and get bullied for being smart these are called nerds. There are also the students who go against the rules such as wearing there own clothes to school and not  which we can clearly see in the clip. Gabriella would be part of the rich, spoilt, stuck-up kids since we can clearly see by the episode that she is defiant towards her father. The clip introduces Gabriella as quite mischievous this may be the cause as her being brought it up into a rich family which she doesn't think is her and wants to be a normal student.

In Waterloo road there are many visual codes that suggest iconography such as the uniform. From the episode, we can see that some students wear school uniform and some dont. From this we can see that  this school has some students who are well behaved and some that do not wear there uniform this would be not an orderly school. Immediately know that it is a high school drama Tv show as some of them are in their in uniform

It is very clear to the audienc th

Setting: How does the clip quickly introduce the school setting?

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

The film's narrative is clearly introduced in the trailer and follows Todorov's theory of equilibrium. The state of balance is the character of Precious imagining how her perfect life would be  trying to get his life back together following his spell in a psychiatric institution. The introduction of Precious' real life creates the disequilibrium.The new equilibrium is not shown in the trailer - this is critical because if they add it they have put their movie into a 1-2 minute short clip and the people wouldn't feel the need to actually watch the movie.

The trailer is full of Barthes' enigma and action codes. These are designed to draw the audience in and encourage them to watch the whole film to resolve their questions. The major enigma codes the audience will consider revolve around whether Precious keeps her babies and drop out of school  and is this how Precious mother treats her all the time. However, there are other enigma codes such as what has happened in Precious maths class when she throws something at the boy for fighting the teacher. Although action codes are less important in the genre of Urban Drama there are still plenty of dramatic scenes such as Precious being thrown to the grounsd in the middle of the street . This suggests there will be moments of drama and tension in the film and the only way to see these resolved and in full is to watch the whole movie.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Representation analysis

The representation of race gender weight are all in precious is portrayed it has gone back in time and is portraying another type of slavery but by her own family. When precious is fighting with her mother on the stairs the first thing you see her the mother do is chase her up the stairs to go and beat precious this is what would happen in slavery times which is why it is a stereotype to our race. Also in the trailer precious is only 16 and already has 2 kids and has not left high school yet. These are typical qualities of how a young female would be treated in slavery she would be raped beaten and have to drop out of school. Two of those things happen during this trailer as precious was beaten by her mother and raped by her dad. This creates the suggestion that black females do not deserve to go to school and should be stay at home parents and drop out of school like slavery times. Also obese people are treated wrong as they are bigger than everyone one else and most of them are bullied into thinking nobody will eve love them and that them being raped is the only way they will get kids. Black Americans are portrayed to be very violent towards their own kids which is portrayed quite similar to most Hollywood black movies where the parents cannot fund for their own children and their children have too look after themselves which puts an image on all black parents that they are not good 

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Evaluating my production work

1) What typical features (conventions) of a film poster have you used? How do they help to make the poster effective in attracting an audience? (Key conventions include title, release date, institutional information, reviews, a central image etc.) 

The typical features of a film poster that i have used are title, tagline, stars, social media hashtags, production blurb, central image, reviews from Stormzy. My central image is to connect with the audience and interest them in the film. The central image dominates the poster and is related to my two characters having them with a gap may help my audience know from the poster that the main two characters are from two different rival gangs this will help a lot as the audience will know for sure it is an urba drama.My central images also help make it aware to the audience that my movie is urban drama due to the fact they are dressed like they are from an urban area. The bandanna on one of my central images faces help to portray it is urban drama.The title of the film is prominent and positioned directly right in the middle of my poster from the left to the right. My title 'The Road' helps me to attract my audience because mostly urban drama movies would be the one of the only movies to have the name 'The Road'  my central images also help make it aware to the audience that my movie is urban drama due to the fact they are dressed like they are from an urban area. The bandanna on one of my central images faces help to portray it is urban drama. The review from Stormzy makes it 100% to the audience as on my film poster it says that he has said," Best urban drama movie of the year". This would bring in a lot of viewers as loads of people know stormzy from his urban music so him giving a good review of an urban movie helps to gain a lot of audience.The tagline adds more information by summing up the film: Take risk and prosper sums up my film as both of my characters take risk to help get the best outcome.Finally, I included an age rating – 15 because the BBFC would probably classify my film as suitable for audience members of 15 years and older because there is violence in my narrative.

2) What is the genre of your film? How would your target audience know this from design of your poster? E.g. Colour scheme, font choice, mise-en-scene (props, costume, character, setting).

The genre of my film is urban drama.For my costume, I put my characters in modern, casual street clothes to show the urban setting and to suggest that it is set in modern day.The dark colours on my poster help to portray to my audience it is an urban drama as the urban areas are known to be quite dull and dark so by making the poster very plain and having my characters in dark clothes it helps make my audience know. The bandanna one of my main characters help portray it is an urban movie as you will wear a bandanna covering your face if you are hiding it because you are doing something illegal 

3) What institutional information have you used to try and sell the film and how does this appeal to the audience? E.g. 'From the Producers of...' / Star power / Directors / Reviews.

For institutional information, I have used the logos of Warner Brothers the production companies that I would want to make my film. I have also included positive reviews to give the film credibility. My film credibility is from a well known urban rapper so by him watching my film it may portray to my audience it is very good if he has said it is good.Also I have included institutional information in a blurb at the bottom of the poster, as is conventional. This will encourage an audience to go and see this film if they have enjoyed other films by the same institution.Warner Brothers is one of the biggest production companies in the world so the audience can tell this is going to be a mainstream blockbuster. I have name checked the stars of the film to endorse them.
4) Where are there examples of synergy between your storyboard and trailer? (Synergy is the link or interaction between two different media texts).

There is synergy between my poster and storyboard because the main characters from the central image in my poster also feature in my storyboard for my trailer. The trailer opens with the institutional information for Warner Brothers.The tagline is also included along with the title of the film so that the audience can link the trailer and the poster.I also add my review from Stormzy as it will help the audience choose whether they want to watch the movie as Stormzy puts a good review

5) What representations have you used in your film? E.g. gender / race / age / nationality / place)? Are these reinforcing or challenging stereotypes? This is a good BBC Bitesize page on the key concept of Representation that will help with this question.

My trailer and poster reinforce gender stereotypes. My film features two male characters because most urban drama storylines feature male characters in the dominant roles. However, this may reinforce negative stereotypes that suggest women cannot be the main role in urban dramas. The ages of my two main characters are meant to be 19 this is because they're old enough to be classed as adults but still teenagers.This creates a unique selling point for the film and clearly targets the film at the teenage market - the most important audience group for cinemas and film studios.

  • Central image
  • Secondary images
  • Title
  • Tagline (like a slogan)
  • Release date
  • Stars
  • Critic reviews
  • Social media hashtags / website details
  • Production blurb
  • Iconography of the film’s genre

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Film trailer and poster analysis of Precious

  • Title and release date – always at END of trailer
  • Short clips of key moments in film
  • Institutional details – film studio, actors, director etc
  • Clear opening laying out setting, characters and narrative
  • Stars – usually early on and often with text-on-screen
The short clips of this trailer appeal to the audience because they can see that it is based on something from real life and it may have them thinking that they would want to watch this so they can know how it ended. Also there is quite a lot of different things happening like precious having her son and fighting with her mum this would appeal to the audience as it may have happened to them in there past or they may want to know what it feels like to be in that situation with their parent. The stars at the end may attract to the audience as there are a lot of big names in this movie which would make them want to watch it and see what type of role they're playing

Image result for precious official poster

  • Title
  • Film Stars
  • Central Image
  • Release Date
  • Tag Line
  • Credits
These attract the audience because they will see an appropriate and inspirational title with well known actors this will make people want. The tag line would stand out to a lot of the audience because it would make them want to know what it truly means for this movie and once they have seen the movie they would understand what it means and why it is very inspirational.

Monday, 30 January 2017

Your chosen movie
1) What film have you chosen? 

2) Why did you choose this film in particular? 
   I chose this movie because it has a deep meaning. 
Institutional background
Use IMDB to find out the institutions behind your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then look for the production company and UK distributor.

1) What was the film studio or production company behind your chosen film? E.g. Warner Brothers, Paramount etc.


2) Who was the distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the UK?

  • Icon Film Distribution (2009) (UK) (all media)

  • No brand loyalty
    1) What genre does your chosen film fit into?
  • 2) How can you tell it fits that genre? Be specific with reference to the trailer.
    There is a lot of violence in the trailer and arguments between a mother and daughter
  • 3) Does your chosen film have any stars or a director that are known for that particular genre?
    Gabourey Sidibe

    It’s all a matter of timing
    1) What was the UK release date for your chosen film?
    29 January 2010
    2) When did the first trailer appear on YouTube for your movie? Find the earliest example you can and embed it in your blog.

3) What other examples of marketing (teaser trailers, main trailers, newspaper or TV interviews etc.) can you find for your chosen film from before the film’s release date?

 4) Ar

It’s a social thing
1) What was the word-of-mouth like for your chosen film? If you can’t find tweets (probably blocked) use the IMDB user review rating or the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer rating to judge whether the public have given the movie a good review. 

The film was getting a lot of criticism from the word of the mouth 

2) Find three quotes (no more than 25 words each) from user reviews of your movie to create a picture of what the public reaction to the film has been. Post them on your blog. 
Well, I personally found that the film portrays a reality far too bleak and dismal and brutal for it to possibly be considered "inspirational". 

And I think that people who are too ignorant to realize that such a grim existence can feasibly be led in 21st century America need a serious wake-up call. 
The performances are rich and incredible enough to hold up dramatic scenes.

Risky business
Use IMDB to find out the box office records for your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then Box Office/Business. You may want to use the excellent website Box Office Mojo to find out the budget and box office success for the film.

1) What was the original budget for your chosen film?
   $10,000,000 (estimated)

2) How much money did the film make in the opening weekend?
$1,872,458 (USA) (6 November 2009)

3) How much money has the film made in total? (Look for the subheading ‘Gross’ which has the total box-office earnings listed).
$47,536,959 (USA) (5 March 2010)

4) For a film to be considered a box office success, it needs to make at least two-and-a-half times the budget in box office takings. Using this method, was the film you have chosen a success? (Or, if it's a recent release, do you expect it to be a box office success?)
Yes the film was a success as the made 37 million dollars more

Stars in their eyes
Research the stars and director for your chosen film.

1) What films has the director previously directed? Are they in the same or similar genres?
  The butler. Monsters Ball. The Woodsman.  Yes these 3 movies are all dramas just like precious.2) Who is the main star in the film?
   Gabourey Sidibe,3) What other films has the main star appeared in? Are any of the films similar to the one you are researching?
Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio peepio. Drunk History. Difficult People. These films are all different to precious as it is a drama and these are all comedies
e the stars or the director or writer mentioned in the trailer for the film?
   The director Lee Daniels is mentioned in the trailer. At the end of the trailer the names; Mo'nique,Paula Patton,Mariah Carey,Lenny Kravitz,Gabourey "Gabby" Sidibe,Sherri Shepherd.

Take it further...

If you've finished the questions above, work through the following tasks to take your case study to another level:

Newspaper reviews
A more traditional starting point for word-of-mouth is press reviews of the film. Almost all national newspapers carry film reviews of the big releases and positive review quotes are often used on the film's marketing material.

Read three newspaper reviews of your chosen film and select five quotes from each review that tell you what the reviewer thought of the film. You can look at the Guardian film website, the Telegraph film website and other reviews in magazines such as Empire.

Additional promotion
Look back 'It's all a matter of timing' question 3... What other examples of promotion can you find for your chosen film? TV chat show appearances (e.g. Graham Norton, the One Show etc.) Radio interviews? Make notes and embed any clips in your blog. 

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

NCIS genre analysis

                            PAID IN FULL

Genre: Paid in full is a Action Crime and Drama movie.

Narrative:A young man from Harlem, forced to cope with the 1980s drug scene, builds an illegal empire, only to have a crisis of conscience. He then has to be served with bad friends a lot killing and someone trying to rob his house which results in him going to hospital.

Character: The characters are three young black men. Two of the men know each other from 'The hood' these are Ace and Mitch. Ace starts as a chilled guy who has a job but once he finds cocaine and sells it he falls in love with the money. Mitch is a guy who sells a lot of drugs and has a lot of money but gets caught and goes to jail this is when Ace takes over and becomes top drug dealer. The third young black man is named Rico he does a lot bad stuff like killing and drug dealing and he met Mitch in jail and they became friends.

Iconography: The iconography of an action crime and drama movie is that there will mostly be a lot of drug dealing killing and fighting. This happens a lot in Paid in full as you can tell from the trailer there is fights and guns. This is why we can 100% say it is the correct genre.

Settings: The setting of this movie is to be shown as an American Hood where a lot of drug dealing and gun crime is taken place


Genre: Crime Drama & Thriller.

Narrative: First, there was Kidulthood, then Adulthood, and now comes Noel Clarke's last instalment: Brotherhood. With Sam facing up to the new world, he realizes it also comes with new problems and new challenges that he must face that he knows, will require old friends to help him survive new dangers.Character: The main Characters of this movie is Sam Uncle Curtis Daley. Sam got Uncle Curtis sent to jail and Uncle Curtis goes to Daley to get Sam back but it backfires.

Iconography: There is plenty of iconography that goes with Crime Drama and thriller as you can tell there is definitely gonna be crime and fights. Therefore you can definitely be sure that Brotherhood is all three as there is a fight in the trailer

Setting: The setting of this movie is based in west London examples of these places are Ladbroke Grove and Westfield bush. Within the setting of West London some of it is not based in West London which they may have used green screen to film.

Genre: Comedy & Drama

Narrative: Two homies, Smokey and Craig, smoke a dope dealer's weed and try to figure a way to get the $200 they owe to the dealer by 10 p.m. that same night. In that time, they smoke more weed and get jacked and shot at in a drive-by.

Characters: As most Drama movies there is a big bully who gets defeated at the end of the movie.The bully of this movie is Deebo who gets beaten up by Craig. Another main character is smokey who gets Craig into a lot of trouble.

Iconography: The iconography for thus drama is that there s a lot of fight scenes so therefore by reading the narrative and watching the trailer you can definitely be sure that it is a drama.

Setting: The setting of this movie is set in an 'Amerian Hood' therefore this means there is going to be guns and drugs and violent behaviour