Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Evaluating my production work

1) What typical features (conventions) of a film poster have you used? How do they help to make the poster effective in attracting an audience? (Key conventions include title, release date, institutional information, reviews, a central image etc.) 

The typical features of a film poster that i have used are title, tagline, stars, social media hashtags, production blurb, central image, reviews from Stormzy. My central image is to connect with the audience and interest them in the film. The central image dominates the poster and is related to my two characters having them with a gap may help my audience know from the poster that the main two characters are from two different rival gangs this will help a lot as the audience will know for sure it is an urba drama.My central images also help make it aware to the audience that my movie is urban drama due to the fact they are dressed like they are from an urban area. The bandanna on one of my central images faces help to portray it is urban drama.The title of the film is prominent and positioned directly right in the middle of my poster from the left to the right. My title 'The Road' helps me to attract my audience because mostly urban drama movies would be the one of the only movies to have the name 'The Road'  my central images also help make it aware to the audience that my movie is urban drama due to the fact they are dressed like they are from an urban area. The bandanna on one of my central images faces help to portray it is urban drama. The review from Stormzy makes it 100% to the audience as on my film poster it says that he has said," Best urban drama movie of the year". This would bring in a lot of viewers as loads of people know stormzy from his urban music so him giving a good review of an urban movie helps to gain a lot of audience.The tagline adds more information by summing up the film: Take risk and prosper sums up my film as both of my characters take risk to help get the best outcome.Finally, I included an age rating – 15 because the BBFC would probably classify my film as suitable for audience members of 15 years and older because there is violence in my narrative.

2) What is the genre of your film? How would your target audience know this from design of your poster? E.g. Colour scheme, font choice, mise-en-scene (props, costume, character, setting).

The genre of my film is urban drama.For my costume, I put my characters in modern, casual street clothes to show the urban setting and to suggest that it is set in modern day.The dark colours on my poster help to portray to my audience it is an urban drama as the urban areas are known to be quite dull and dark so by making the poster very plain and having my characters in dark clothes it helps make my audience know. The bandanna one of my main characters help portray it is an urban movie as you will wear a bandanna covering your face if you are hiding it because you are doing something illegal 

3) What institutional information have you used to try and sell the film and how does this appeal to the audience? E.g. 'From the Producers of...' / Star power / Directors / Reviews.

For institutional information, I have used the logos of Warner Brothers the production companies that I would want to make my film. I have also included positive reviews to give the film credibility. My film credibility is from a well known urban rapper so by him watching my film it may portray to my audience it is very good if he has said it is good.Also I have included institutional information in a blurb at the bottom of the poster, as is conventional. This will encourage an audience to go and see this film if they have enjoyed other films by the same institution.Warner Brothers is one of the biggest production companies in the world so the audience can tell this is going to be a mainstream blockbuster. I have name checked the stars of the film to endorse them.
4) Where are there examples of synergy between your storyboard and trailer? (Synergy is the link or interaction between two different media texts).

There is synergy between my poster and storyboard because the main characters from the central image in my poster also feature in my storyboard for my trailer. The trailer opens with the institutional information for Warner Brothers.The tagline is also included along with the title of the film so that the audience can link the trailer and the poster.I also add my review from Stormzy as it will help the audience choose whether they want to watch the movie as Stormzy puts a good review

5) What representations have you used in your film? E.g. gender / race / age / nationality / place)? Are these reinforcing or challenging stereotypes? This is a good BBC Bitesize page on the key concept of Representation that will help with this question.

My trailer and poster reinforce gender stereotypes. My film features two male characters because most urban drama storylines feature male characters in the dominant roles. However, this may reinforce negative stereotypes that suggest women cannot be the main role in urban dramas. The ages of my two main characters are meant to be 19 this is because they're old enough to be classed as adults but still teenagers.This creates a unique selling point for the film and clearly targets the film at the teenage market - the most important audience group for cinemas and film studios.

  • Central image
  • Secondary images
  • Title
  • Tagline (like a slogan)
  • Release date
  • Stars
  • Critic reviews
  • Social media hashtags / website details
  • Production blurb
  • Iconography of the film’s genre

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